Frequently Asked Questions

Embarr Argus™ is the world’s most intelligent automated fire detection system. In the event of a bushfire, leaving early is always the safest option. With Embarr Argus™ installed you can activate your bushfire plan and leave with your family, pets and valuables, knowing your property is protected.

The system has been designed based on the recommendations of CSIRO research about the effectiveness of fire protection systems. Embarr is the result of thousands of hours of product development by University researchers, electrical engineers and Australian based electronics manufacturers.

Studies by the Bushfire CRC and CSIRO have shown that 90% of structures catch alight due to embers up to 30 minutes before a fire front arrives or are burnt down during the 12 hours after a fire front either due to direct ember attack or by attack from nearby structures, trees or bushland that is burning.

Embarr’s patent pending Embarr Argus technology, constantly monitor any fire activity around your property and is able to detect small fires created from embers as well as incoming fire-fronts. Proprietary bushfire threat escalation algorithms automatically switch your sprinkler system on and off in response to the bushfire threat.

Embarr Argus ensures your property remains wet while managing the available water and pump fuel to maximise the operation of your bushfire sprinkler system for an extended period of time. This reduces the potential for damage due to flame, radiant heat or ember attack both before and well after a fire front.

There is no need to be home, Embarr’s intelligent computer will automatically turn on your Argus bushfire sprinkler system when a bushfire threat is detected.

As part of your Embarr Argus purchase you will receive a 24-month limited parts and labour warranty against any manufacturing or installation defects.

Give us a call on 1800 201 570, or contact us and one of our friendly team members will contact you within 48 hours in order to understand your individual requirements.

If you decide to proceed further we will conduct a site inspection where we will provide a detailed quote based on your property.

Embarr can connect you with one of our trusted installation partners, or can organise the EmberWall roll out system

Contact us and one of our friendly team members will contact you within 48 hours.

Yes! Embarr Argus can automate any suitable bushfire sprinkler system.

Individual solutions will vary so please contact us and one of our friendly team members will contact you within 48 hours.

Once a site inspection has been conducted and your quote has been accepted you will be booked in for an installation date.

A standard Embarr Argus system can usually be installed within a day.

Activities such as welding, outdoor fires or barbecuing may activate the Embarr Argus system and turn on the sprinklers. Before starting these activities, you will need to follow the instructions in the Embarr Argus User Manual to manually turn off the sensors (BBQ mode). Once BBQ mode has been activated the system will automatically return to active mode after 8 hours, or press the reset button once finished the activity.

Get Embarr Argus to Protect Your Property

An Embarr Argus™ system can be installed to work with most bushfire sprinkler systems used in Australia and can be supplied as a standalone product or can be fully integrated and installed by qualified tradespeople.

Click Here to Find Out More About the Embarr Argus system!

What our customers have to say

On Tuesday 3 October 2023, a fire swept westward from Coolagoolite towards Barragga Bay and the Four Winds Pavilion. At 2.30pm the sprinklers and Argus detectors were tested, and the site made secure. The sequence of events that followed, captured on CCTV security cameras and a data logger recorded the fire entering the site from the northwest at around 5 pm. Shortly afterwards the sprinklers on the pavilion and shed started, stopping after a few minutes as designed. They re-started a few minutes later, and the cycle repeated itself around fifteen times over the next hour. When the fire swept southwards across the site, to within 5 metres of the pavilion, the building was already soaking wet.

We have no doubt that the Embarr Argus system played a crucial role in saving the pavilion and would be pleased to share our experience with any organisation or individual who was interested.


Barragga Bay NSW

My parents live in a high-risk bushfire area and during the bushfire season there were many stressful days spent worrying about them and constantly checking in to see if they were ok.

Since they have installed an Embarr system all of that worry and stress has been eliminated, along with the half hourly ‘just checking’ phone calls. I now know if there is any danger that both my parents and their property are protected.

Embarr has provided the whole family with peace of mind, could not recommend more highly!


Adelaide Hills, SA

We have had the Embarr system installed on our home on the Lower Eyre Peninsula.

My husband and I would highly recommend this amazing bushfire safety device to all. Our peace of mind regarding our family safety and that of our home has greatly increased and our ability to not be at home knowing the system will automatically switch on to save our home has given us added freedom and choice.

Additionally, I do not have to rely on my husband to come home from work and start the bushfire sprinkler system – I can grab the grandchildren and dogs and go to a safer place if the situation arises. Lastly, the Embarr team were great – truly knowledgeable, professional and they have provided great customer service to both of us – something we are appreciative of, owning businesses ourselves.


Port Lincoln, SA